We are neither separate from nor in charge of nature, we are part of the ecosystem. We are nature.

Our Principles

  • Collaboration

    In a world where we are physically experiencing the impact of climate change, it has never been more important that at state, organisation and community level we collaborate. Building networks and partnerships leveraging transparency in communications, building trustworthiness and facilitaing reciprocity at every level the impact can be greater than the sume of the parts.

  • Innovation

    Just over ten years ago there were 2 ZB of data in the world, soon we will approach 150 ZB. Data drives information which underpins the creation of knowledge and understanding. The rate of change is so fast that every momnet new technologies and new ways of doing things are being created. Inculcating an innovation mindset that permeates our entire organisation is essential if we are to retain competitive advantage. This requires that we shift from closed innovation to open innovation enabling disruptive innovation when and wherever possible.

  • Diversity and Inclusion

    A key enabler for disruptive innovation is enabling diversity across our organisation, breaking down silos and facilitating cross functional teams. Starting at the individual, nobody should feel uncomfortable in the workplace. Irrespective of culture, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender, everybody should blossom feeling included being enabled to grow. Our D&I approach should be discerning and embracing, recognising introverts, extroverts, neurodiversity and others.